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A total of 26 bad cheques worth €276,202 were issued in September

A total of 26 bad cheques, worth €276,202, were issued in September 2023, with 15 persons (12 legal entities and 3 natural persons) being registered in the preliminary list of the Central Information Register for the Issuers of Dishonoured Cheques (CIR), maintained by the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC).

Between January and September 2023, according to data released by the CBC, 271 dishounored checks, with a total value of €970,121, were registered in the preliminary list of the CIR, which concerned 168 persons (92 legal entities and 76 natural persons), compared to 238 in the corresponding period last year, with a total value of €1,339,889.

In addition, according to the data of the CBC, 14 persons were registered in the CIR in September 2023, of which five were legal entities, 5 natural persons, and 4 natural persons who control legal entities.

During the first nine months of this year, a total of 207 persons (36 natural persons) were registered in the CIR, compared to 192 persons in the same period last year.

(Source: CNA)

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