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Sunil Kapoor steps down as FML Ship Management Director

Following more than 27 years at the maritime transportation company, Sunil Kapoor has stepped down from the Directorship of FML Ship Management.

Living and working in Cyprus since 2007, Kapoor first started career at FML Ship Management in Hong Kong in 1996.

As Kapoor noted in a LinkedIn post: “In 2007, I arrived in Cyprus with more than just a suitcase; I carried a vision for what would later flourish into Fleet Cyprus. Together, we've transformed this dream into something truly remarkable. Although my journey with Fleet started in Hong Kong in 1996, the Cyprus branch has been a significant milestone in my career.”

“Reflecting on these 27 years, I liken myself to a vintage piece of furniture—aged but resilient, having withstood the test of time. Now, the moment has come to pass the leadership baton and explore fresh horizons. While some may see this as the end of an era, I consider it the dawn of a new chapter,” he continued.

Kapoor was named Director in 2016, taking on overall responsibilities of the company’s offices in Cyprus, the UK, Turkey and Dubai. Prior to this role, Kapoor was in charge of the Cyprus office, which he created on his arrival to the island.

Kapoor through LinkedIn, has meanwhile also expressed gratitude to the Cyprus Shipping Chamber for hosting a farewell lunch in his honour. The lucnh recognised his contribution as a Board Member as Kapoor is not a member of the Chamber's new board.

“It was truly a wonderful experience to attend the farewell lunch in honor of my role as a Board Member, organized by the Cyprus Shipping Chamber. The thoughtful gift and heartfelt speeches made this occasion truly special. Serving as a Board Member of CSC from 2021 to 2023 has been a remarkable journey, especially for a fellow Nicosian. Rest assured; you can count on our unwavering support for many years to come,” Kapoor wrote.

With offices in Nicosia as well as around the world, FML Ship Management has yet to publicly announce who will be replacing Kapoor.

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