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Online bookings continue to rise in Cyprus

Bookings through online platforms like Airbnb, and TripAdvisor continued to steadily rise in Cyprus over the second quarter of the year, following the same trend as the EU.

According to Eurostat, in April there were 331,000 online bookings in Cyprus (289,000 in April 2022), in May there were 369,000 (313,000 in May 2022) and in June there were 455,000 online bookings, compared to 387,000 the same month last year.

In the EU, almost 153 million nights were spent in short term rental accommodation just in Q2, recording a 15.8% increase over the same period last year.

In April in the EU, 46.7 million nights were spent in accommodation booked via online platforms, (up 19.5% compared to April 2022). In May, the number increased to 47.6 million nights (+22.6% compared to May 2022) and in June, the total was 58.7 million (+8.4% compared with June 2022).

Overall, the data show that platform tourism continues to exceed pre-pandemic levels and set new monthly record values, Eurostat said.

As for the first half figures, guests spent around 237 million nights in EU short-term rental accommodation booked via online platforms, which was a sharp rise over the same period last year (199 million nights; +18.8 %), and even higher compared with pre-pandemic levels (193 million nights in 2019; +22.6%).

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