Dr Loizos G. Loizou in top 100 Xfluencers in Paediatric Haematology
14:00 - 03 October 2023

Cypriot oncologist Dr Loizos G. Loizou, MD, PhD has ranked among the top 100 Xfluencers in Paediatric Haematology/Oncology key opinion leaders to follow on X (formerly Twitter) in 2023, by OncoDaily.
US-based OncoDaily, a digital solution for practical reference in the field of oncology, has presented the 2023 list the 100 leading Paediatricians/Paediatric Haematologists with the greatest global influence in the field of social media for shaping opinions in the field of childhood cancer and leukaemia.

The list includes Dr Loizou, a professor in Paediatrics/Paediatric Haematology at the Medical School of the University of Nicosia.
Announcing the news, the "Hope" said Dr Loizou’s inclusion proves that Cyprus, through systematic and enduring work, resilience, dedication, patience, and perseverance, “can become effective and important contributors on a global level for the advancement of medicine and healthcare for our children".