Labour Minister presents Guide on preventing harassment in the workplace
15:10 - 22 March 2023

The Labour Ministry presented the Guide on Prevention and Dealing with Harassment and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace on Wednesday, noting how important it is for businesses to have a clear policy on harassment so as to send just as clear messages to their employees.
Presenting the Guide, which was prepared by the Gender Equality Committee in Employment and Vocational Training, Minister of Labour and Social Insurance Yiannis Panayiotou said that the purpose of the Guide was to provide organisations and businesses with the necessary instructions and guidelines to prevent and address incidents of harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace.
"An organisation with a clear policy on sexual harassment sends clear messages to employees. That should be the takeaway from today's presentation of the Guide," he said.
Concluding, the Minister noted that both the Ministry and the Committee can help employers who want assistance in developing a strategy to prevent sexual harassment.
(Source: CNA)