President satisfied by meetings with top EU officials
07:55 - 23 March 2023

President Nikos Christodoulides said he was satisfied with his meetings on Wednesday with the presidents of the European Commission, Council and Parliament.
Speaking to the press, the President added that he would go on to elaborate further on his proposal for more active EU involvement in a Cyprus settlement during his intervention at the European Council summit underway in Brussels.
Saying he was satisfied with the outcome of his meetings with the three top EU officials, President Christodoulides said he could see "a strong desire for the resumption of talks with a view to a Cyprus settlement, taking advantage of important junctures which exist at this particular moment".
He said they agreed to work jointly towards the goal of resuming talks "on the basis of an agreed framework" and that he would be in constant communication with the three Presidents.
And he said it was also important to ensure the support of other EU member states. His participation in Thursday’s European People’s Party (EPP) summit would help in this direction. "I will clearly seek their support, and particularly of those who take part in the European Council, but also in bilateral meetings in the framework of the European Council with leaders who do not belong to the EPP," he said, adding that as has been agreed with European Council President Charles Michel, he will be given the opportunity during the EC summit to outline his proposal.
President Christodoulides said that the three European presidents’ response to his proposal led to a certain optimism, adding that the effort will continue "until the aim is achieved".
Asked what should be expected from the European Council, he explained that there will be no reference in the conclusions as the process of drafting them has been ongoing for some time and the agenda is specific.
"I will make my briefing under the section to do with other matters, this is what I asked the European Council President, but what we would want to achieve is to take advantage of the timeframe until the Turkish elections so that this proposal can mature politically and be able to be implemented immediately after the elections in Turkey, if everything goes according to plan," he said.
President Christodoulides said that he wishes to point out that this enhanced role on the part of the EU is something "which absolutely does not replace the UN role".
"Above anyone else, we wish everything to be within the UN framework, since we are well aware what the Turkish side's approach is, but the EU has all those incentives for everyone involved in the Cyprus problem to create a situation which would lead to a mutually beneficial situation for all," he stressed.
Migration and other matters of concern were discussed
Asked to comment on what was discussed with the three Presidents about migration, President Christodoulides said that he conveyed the message that "the Republic of Cyprus will be present with important interventions on all the matters which have to do with the EU agenda."
"Under no circumstance will we be a monothematic member state," he said, adding that "we will have a say and a role to play in everything that is being discussed. And one of these issues is migration."
"We are expecting the development and presentation of a specific plan from the European Commission in relation to the Eastern Mediterranean," he said.
The President added that there are also other matters which affect the Republic of Cyprus, which, as a responsible member state, must have "specific positions, whether this has to do with Ukraine and the illegal invasion in the country, where our position is clear against such type of behaviour, or matters to do with competitiveness or energy."
We are an EU member state, he noted, and we are affected by EU decisions and the goal is for us to actively participate in the decision making process, he concluded.
(Source: CNA)