Bounced cheques increase in February
08:03 - 07 March 2023

A total of 38 bounced cheques were registered in the Central Information Registry (CIR) for dishonoured cheques in February, compared with 23 in January.
According to the Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC), the value of these cheques had increased to €101,065 from €59,817 in January 2023, and €93,811 in February 2022.
In the first two months of 2023, a total of 61 cheques were registered in the preliminary CIR, which is the same as in the respective period of 2022, with the total value amounting to €160,882. This is significantly reduced compared with the €243,369 recorded in the first two months of last year.
In February, a total of 37 persons were registered in the CIR of which 14 are legal persons, 4 natural persons and 19 persons controlling legal entities, the CBC added.
Furthermore, 20 persons have been registered in the CIR’s preliminary list of which 12 legal entities and 8 natural persons.