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Marios Tannousis appointed new CEO of Invest Cyprus

The country’s investment promotion agency, Invest Cyprus, has appointed Marios Tannousis as its new CEO.

Taking the reins from George Campanellas, Tannousis had, until now, held the position of Deputy Director General & Head of HQ at Invest Cyprus.

Tannousis’ selection came through an appointment procedure carried out by KPMG, which was chosen by Invest Cyprus’ board to undertake the task as an external associate.

As part of the procedure, CVs were collected from all those interested in filling the position. This was followed by interviews which resulted in a shortlist of qualified candidates. Invest Cyprus’ board then made its final selection from the shortlist, choosing Tannousis.

Tannousis has over 24 years of international corporate experience, including 12 years in a range of significant positions at Societe Generale.

Among other professional associations, he is a member of the board of the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) and Cyprus Investment Funds Association (CIFA) as well as of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CISI).

Tannousis holds a degree in Economics and an MBA, and regularly represents Cyprus at international conferences.

(Source: InBusinessNews)

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