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Efforts underway to register Agros rose water as PGI, Minister says

Minister of Agriculture Rural Development and Environment Petros Xenophontos has said that the Ministry is making every possible effort to successfully complete the process of registering the name "Rodostagma Agrou" (Rosewater of Agros).

Addressing the recent 15th Rose Festival in the village of Agros, the Minister recalled that following coordinated efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture and the producers, the sweet, made of Agros roses, has been registered in the European Union as a Protected Geographical Indication since 2016, while the dossier of Agros' rosewater as a product of Protected Geographical Indication is still being examined.

"Rest assured that the Ministry will make every effort possible to register the name 'Rosostagma Agrou', within the provisions of the relevant legislation and successfully complete the process," he stressed.

The Minister added that for the people of Agros, rose cultivation is a usual activity, noting that it brings additional income and jobs. It also beautifies and upgrades the natural environment of the area, he added.

Concluding, he said that the Ministry's policy in general is to encourage and support producers and highlight and promote the quality products of Cyprus.

(Source: CNA)

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