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Cyprus Economy and Competitiveness Council: How electric car use can be promoted

The Council for the Economy and Competitiveness of Cyprus has made a series of proposals to promote the use of electric cars in Cyprus.

The Council was created by the state in 2018, to, among other duties, systematically monitor competitiveness and productivity indicators, identify weaknesses and propose reforms in priority sectors.

According to a relevant statement, the Council recognises the importance of the actions already promoted by the government in relation to electrification and the achievement of the European goal set for zero emissions from new cars and trucks by 2035.

Wanting to contribute to the effort, the Council proposes the subsidisation of interest rates on loans for green cars, the exemption of road taxes, the reduction of tax for companies that use electric cars and provision of charging points, the grant of an amount to companies for car replacement, the expansion of the network of chargers, the creation of parking spaces specifically for electric cars and for the supporting policy, the Council proposes the improvement of public transport with a view towards green transition and electrification.

The Council announcement notes that in Cyprus, road transport is responsible for approximately 50% of greenhouse gas emissions in relation to activities not included in the Emissions Trading System and that Cyprus's national target for 2030 is that 25% of new vehicle registrations to concern electric vehicles and by 2035 that this percentage should increase to 100%.

"However, the transition should be fair and inclusive. Citizens will be affected by this goal due to the increased costs they are asked to bear and therefore, the Government should find ways to support them, especially the population groups /areas/sectors most affected," the Council announceemnt says.

The entire text of the proposal is also posted on the Council's website, but is currently available only in Greek.

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