90 prospective real estate agents sit Registration Council exams

Written examinations for candidates seeking inclusion on the register of real estate agents were successfully conducted on Saturday, 27 May, 2023 with 90 candidates sitting for the exams organised by the Real Estate Agents Registration Council of Cyprus.

The written exams are conducted based on Article 11(1)(a)(v) of the Law on Real Estate Agents. They are considered to be very important as it they establish whether candidates for inclusion in the Register of Real Estate Agents have sufficient knowledge regarding the Republic of Cyprus’ real estate and urban planning legislation.

The President of the Real Estate Agents Registration Council of Cyprus, Marinos Kineyirou, commented, "This knowledge is necessary for the correct and responsible exercise of the profession of real estate agent and is even more valuable nowadays as we, unfortunately, are seeing the flourishing of illegal real estate brokerages."

The results of the examinations will be announced soon and will be posted on the website of the Real Estate Agents Registration Council of Cyprus.

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