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Tourism MoU between Cyprus and Saudi Arabia receives Cabinet approval

Tourism Deputy Minister Costas Koumis has announced the approval, by the Cabinet, of a Memorandum of Understanding on tourism with Saudi Arabia, as well as the establishment of a tourism observatory at the Deputy Ministry, aiming to strengthen the competitiveness of Cyprus’ tourist product.

In statements after the 28 June Cabinet, Koumis said that the signing of an MoU was approved, with both parties recognising the need to strengthen their bilateral cooperation with the aim of further increasing tourism flows.

He said that the memorandum is expected to help in establishing closer cooperation between the two countries in the tourism sector, in the exchange of know-how and information, in the development of special forms of tourism, in cooperation in education programs related to tourism and in the development of cooperation in audiovisual production material and tourism products.

Replying to a question, the Deputy Minister said he will soon be travelling to Saudi Arabia and will promote Cyprus as a destination in all three cities with which Cyprus will soon have an air connection. He said that this is a new, emerging market with few arrivals to date and that "we hope that because of the air connection and also the fact that Saudis are increasing their travels outside Saudi Arabia, we will have better results."

The Deputy Minister said that we need the recognition of our country as a tourist destination to increase in Saudi Arabia and we will work strongly in this direction.

Replying to another question, he said that no target was set for a specific number of arrivals and that we are in communication with our Embassy in Saudi Arabia and tourism entrepreneurs and we are optimistic that for the first year, we will have good results.

(Source: CNA)

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