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Nicoletta Charalambous: Why and how ORB Communications supports the work of Voice for Autism

ORB Communications is, through its 'Creativity with a Purpose -10 Years Orb' project, standing at the side of Voice for Autism and its multidimensional and important work for society.

Voice for Autism is a non-profit organisation that advocates and supports young adults with autism with the goal of helping them achieve their independence and integration into society. Among other things, the organisation has created homes accommodating young adults with autism, while it is also planning to open a restaurant where people with disabilities can work together, boosting their self-esteem.

The Managing & Creative Director of Orb Communications, Nicoletta Charalambous, in an interview with InBusinessNews, referred to the actions of Voice for Autism and the ways in which ORB supports the organisation.

"Using the creativity, innovation, and sensitivity that characterises us as a group, we set out to bring attention to the Voice for Autism organisation and raise public awareness," she indicated, among other things.

As Charalambous mentioned, ORB Communications has always tried to be a socially responsible organisation, as the advertising sector is not only about promoting products and services, but can influence the behavior of the consumer, making him think differently.

How did the collaboration with the NGO Voice for Autism come about?

At ORB Communications, we always strive to be a socially responsible organisation. After all, the field of advertising is not only about promoting products and services, but it can influence consumer behavior and make them think and act differently. For this reason, those of us in the field of advertising and communication have a responsibility to create campaigns and actions with a positive impact on society.

So, when we learned about the multidimensional and great work carried out by Voice for Autism, an organisation that gives a voice to young adults with autism and aims at their independence and smooth integration into society, we decided to support their effort by creating a special action in the context of our company's 10 year anniversary.

Thus, the idea for the 'Creativity with a Purpose-10 Years Orb' project was born.

Tell us a little about this project. How does ORB Communications support the actions of the Organisation?

By harnessing the creativity, innovation, and sensitivity that characterises us as a team, we set out to create awareness for the Voice for Autism organisation and raise public awareness. In order to achieve this goal, we completely rebuilt a basketball court at Spyros Kyprianou Park in the Municipality of Aglantzia, which we designed with the help of graffiti artist Stelios Papageorgiou, adding color to the daily life of the visitors.

In addition, ORB designed limited edition t-shirts, which are available for sale to financially support the organisation. I should note that the inspiration for the design of the projects comes from Voice for Autism's 'Be an Angel' action and that is why we decided to give wings to our company's mascot, the ORBer, transferring in a smart and creative way to people and the new generation in particular, the Organisation's message.

The action was presented at a separate event held in the said park on 29 June. The attendees had the opportunity to see the new court up close, to learn about the actions of Voice for Autism and to enjoy the space accompanied by the sounds of the Organisation's band, which made its first public appearance and impressed its audience.

What is the role of Voice for Autism in practice?

Voice for Autism: Advocacy & Action is a registered, non-profit organisation that advocates and supports young adults with autism, helping them build meaningful, socially integrated lives. Its goal is the independence of people with disabilities and their inclusion in society. In this direction, the Organisation has created two houses in the area of ​​Lakatamia, in Nicosia, which have the ability to accommodate six young adults with autism.

To this end, an awareness campaign is underway, supported by the Organisation's Advisory Committee. The Committee is made up of Cyprus' leading academics/psychologists/therapists, who work in the field of special needs and wish to build a stronger society that supports people with disabilities.

Additionally, Voice for Autism plans to open a restaurant where people with disabilities can work together, which will boost their self-esteem. These are pioneering projects, which can be models for similar actions in other cities of Cyprus.

How can people contribute to the actions of Voice for Autism?

Voice for Autism has created the'Be an Angel,' action in the context of which individuals and/or businesses can support the efforts of the Organisation and contribute to the maintenance of the two residences, as well as to the strengthening of the social integration programmes that are implemented.

For more information, interested parties can contact the Organisation on the website or via email at:

What message would you like to convey?

This project and in general our collaboration with Voice for Autism, are a milestone for our company. On the one hand, we are given the opportunity to breathe life into the space and offer a beautiful result to the residents of the area, and on the other hand, we are supporting such an important and worthy project of an organisation that is a source of inspiration for all of us.

After all, those of us who know parents with children with autism, know that their biggest concern is the future of their children. With this as our compass, we stand by Voice for Autism and contribute to the effort to transmit the organisation's message far and wide.

(Source: InBusinessNews)

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