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The toolkit for successful clusters

The step-by-step methodology for the collective design of cluster policies was presented by Dina Zabaneh of Leaders International in Palestine as part of ANIMA Annual Forum held at the Hilton Nicosia.

The path to clusters that can be sustainable and have competitive advantages over others was presented in an informative talk with valuable advice for stakeholders.

The first step is to identify the strategy, sectoral plan, related laws at national level in which a cluster roadmap should be included.

"Identify the right 'horse': find the right ministry, department, agency... with which to organise the dialogue," was the next piece of advice.

Securing a national partner that has both the legitimacy and the capacity to mobilise the highest level around the roadmap is the third step to success.

As for the next move for policymakers, that is to gather any recent studies conducted at the national level that can feed into a policy roadmap with concrete recommendations.

The next step is to gather any recent study conducted at a national level which can feed a cluster policy roadmap with concrete recommendations, and collect and gather clusters needs.

There should also be a discussion as an updating session for the policymakers to present a diagnostic of the situation. Stakeholders should be able to confront the idea of what the objective of the roadmap should be, along with the gathering and presentation of a selection of direct related practices, implemented in a similar context in order to inspire.

Next is suggesting to all the parties a plan well defined including milestones and refine/ validate it collectively

The final steps include defining who the "official" local enablers who are part of the process are: authorities, clusters representatives, local experts, facilitators. Then, organising influence management and ensuring proper communication and reporting.

ANIMA Investment Network implements cooperation between private sector support ecosystems to promote an attractive, sustainable and inclusive economy.

The Annual Forum is being carried out with the support of Euromed Clusters Forward and EBSOMED (Enhancing Business Support Organisations and Business Networks in the Southern Neighbourhood) in partnership with Invest Cyprus.

The Gold Sponsor is AstroBank, the Silver Sponsor is Bank of Cyprus and the event is coordinated by IMH. InBusiness and GOLD are media sponsors.

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