CySEC awards university students

Following the institutionalisation of the granting of annual student awards to students at the Universities in Cyprus, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) awarded two students during the academic year 2022-2023, for the total amount of €1,000.

Paying tribute to the very first Chairman of CySEC, the awards were granted in memory of the late Frixos Sorokkos, who laid the foundations for the creation of the supervisory authority which today supervises over 830 entities.

The two students, Panayiota Nteli, a student at the Cyprus University of Technology, and Aris Shokri, a student at the European University of Cyprus, received a cash award of €500 each.

The cash awards were presented on behalf of CySEC by Officer A, Elena Karkoti, during the graduation ceremonies held on Wednesday, 21 June 2023 at the Cyprus University of Technology and at the European University of Cyprus on Wednesday, 5 July 2023.

With these awards, CySEC’s aim is to encourage students to acquire and deepen their knowledge on subjects that fall within CySEC’s scope of work and the sector which it oversees, and the field of investment services, with the positive consequences of increasing and disseminating knowledge via academic research.

The annual student award is part of CySEC’s efforts to promote and strengthen financial education in Cyprus, especially among young people.

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