My Way: Meridian Gaming (CY) LTD’s Chrysothemi Valanidou Thoma shares her management style
07:17 - 29 July 2023

Chrysothemi Valanidou Thoma believes in supporting and empowering those around her, she encourages the sharing of ideas, and ensures that she is always there to hear her team’s concerns and find solutions. Inspired by her parents’ work ethic and moral principles, Valanidou Thoma makes every effort to be a reliable and trusted leader. She always makes time for her family and tries to keep some valuable time for herself.
How would you describe your management style?
I would describe my management style as participative (democratic) leadership. I support and empower the people around me. I encourage people to speak up and share their ideas. I am open to discussion when it comes to something they are concerned about and I love finding solutions by working together. Leadership is about collaboration and inspiring others to do their best work.
What has been your greatest professional achievement?
My greatest professional achievement is the fact that I took the reins of the company that belongs to a huge group, modernized it and brought it into another era. I fight for equal opportunities in the workplace and a continuous contribution to society. I still have many goals and ambitions to fulfil.
Who is the object of your professional admiration?
“My parents have a work ethic that is second to none and unwavering strong moral principles. They taught me to always be reliable and a person of my word.”
How do you achieve a healthy balance between life at work and at home?
“I always make time for my family and I try my best to have some time to myself too. This gives me the strength to move forward and achieve my goals.”
How do you relax?
“I relax by spending time with my husband, friends and loved ones. I enjoy travelling and getting to know new people and cultures, as well as gymnastics, dancing and reading.”
CV/Work Experience:
Chrysothemi Valanidou Thoma is the CEO of Meridian Gaming (CY) Ltd, which belongs to the Meridian Group. In 2018, at the age of 25, she took over the management of the company, having previously been Head of its Legal and Compliance departments. She has worked in the gaming industry since 2016 and is a member of Global Gaming Women. She obtained her Law degree from the University of Huddersfield, UK in 2014 and was called to the Bar the following year. She is experienced in corporate and labour law, drafting corporate agreements and other legal documents, as well as in business and marketing strategy. She is actively involved in due diligence, responsible betting, GDPR and anti-money laundering issues and policies.
This interview first appeared in the July edition of GOLD magazine. Click here to view it.