Successful conclusion of IBSA ‘Residence Planning and Corporate Re-domiciliation’ event
11:16 - 06 July 2023

The International Business Structuring Association (IBSA) discussion group meeting on ‘Residence Planning and Corporate Re-domiciliation’ successfully took place on 29 June 2023.
Sponsored by Investec and hosted by Elias Neocleous & Co LLC, this engaging event attracted an esteemed group of industry professionals and experts in their fields to explore the preferential tax regimes offered by countries including Cyprus, Malta, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Dubai, Switzerland and the UK for individuals looking to change their tax residence, and for companies wishing to change their country of domicile.

Panelists at the meeting included Kyriaki Stinga, Elena Christodoulou and Alexis Christodoulou of Elias Neocleous & Co LLC, who discussed current legislation and developments pertinent to Cyprus, and exchanged crucial insights on key issues pertaining to the evening’s topics. Attending delegates further analysed vital takeaways garnered from the various discussions on hand and evaluated potential benefits that strategic residence planning and corporate re-domiciliation offer individuals and companies.