CSM bakes for International Day of Charity
07:20 - 10 September 2023

Columbia Shipmanagement's (CSM) Cyprus and Germany offices organised charity bake sales to commemorate International Day of Charity, celebrated every year on 5 September, with the proceeds going directly to chosen charities.
CSM Cyprus will donate to 'To Spiti Tou Mariou', an organisation for adults with special needs, while CSM Germany will donate their proceeds to 'Sternenbrücke', an organisation which offers support to families with terminally ill children.

"The International Day of Charity aims to increase solidarity, public support and social responsibility by organising special events to enhance the visibility of worldwide humanitarian issues," the company said. "Throughout the year, as part of our 'i care' philosophy, we held multiple fundraisers to do our part for our local community and contribute to international humanitarian efforts."