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Freedom Finance Europe brings world ballet to Cyprus

Freedom Finance Europe is partnering up with the Celebrity Gala art project to bring dancers from leading world theatres to stage a unique ballet performance in Cyprus.

With tickets available at Soldout Ticketbox, the event will be hosted in the historic venue of the Kourion amphitheatre on 7-8 October, 2023, bringing together 12 ballet stars from six international theatres:

  • Bolshoi Theatre
  • Vienna State Opera
  • British Royal Opera House
  • Staatsballet Berlin
  • Hungarian State Opera
  • Astana Opera

Freedom Celebrity Ballet Gala will feature renowned scenes and the brightest adagios from a range of classical ballet masterpieces and contemporary productions, accompanied by live Commandaria Orchestra music.
“Freedom Finance Europe is proud to bring the elegant art of ballet to Cyprus, where we have our company’s European headquarters. We are committed to our strategy aimed at promoting sports, culture and the historic heritage of Cyprus,” said Evgenii Tyapkin, Executive Director, Freedom Finance Europe.

“I am pleased to announce that the Freedom Celebrity Ballet Gala will bring 12 leading dancers from across Europe to the ancient site of Kourion. Each of the six theatres will present their best works. From the Bolshoi to the Vienna Opera ballet and the British Royal Opera House, the theatres will feature masterpieces of classical and modern ballet. I believe that ballet is a way to unite people, it is an opportunity to promote peace and, more generally, to do good to the society. Come to Freedom Celebrity Ballet Gala and let the ballet charm you,” said Igor Tsvirko, Artistic Director, Freedom Celebrity Ballet Gala.

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