AdTech: Emphasis on professional growth with a staggering 20% advancement rate
Adonis Adoni 07:00 - 06 September 2023

“We place a strong emphasis on professional growth, with approximately one-fifth of our employees receiving new positions or promotions every year,” says Elena Dolya, Chief Administration Officer at AdTech Holding.
While research on promotion rates is scant, anecdotal evidence suggests that a 20% advancement rate is not only remarkable but also possibly unparalleled. The company started operations in Limassol in 2016, with a modest team of five people dedicated to creating startup ecosystems and innovation labs for projects in advertising and marketing technology. Since then, it has experienced exponential growth and today employs a staff of 110 people, a testament to its success at fostering a thriving and dynamic workplace.
According to Dolya, the company takes a multifaceted approach to nurturing professional growth. For newbies and juniors, a buddy system aids their development, while middle and senior employees receive individual development plans. Recognising the unique challenges faced by team leaders and managers, the company gives them access to the specialised 6-week ProLeader course. The intensive programme, designed for first-time managers or managers whose team is experiencing significant growth, equips them with essential skills to navigate various work-related scenarios, from hiring to training to firing. The development plans extend even to the upper echelons of the company. As Dolya notes, everyone has access to opportunities for skills enhancement through educational initiatives, including conferences such as HighLoad (in Serbia) and Product Camp (in Cyprus).
“Over the last two years, we have focused on work-life balance and implemented wellbeing campaigns and activities to further support our employees,” she notes. As a tangible manifestation of this commitment, the company embraces a hybrid work model and flexible working hours. However, she is quick to acknowledge that the relentless dynamism of the tech industry, which often demands a fusion of speed and efficiency, can challenge this flexibility. “Therefore, for us, keeping balance is very important. If we invest more time and effort, we also want to celebrate our achievements and highlight our employees’ impact,” she adds. To this end, AdTech Holding orchestrates two big annual events: the company’s summertime birthday celebration and the New Year party, which also involves an award ceremony. Furthermore, the company has recently moved into new, modern and comfortable headquarters, designed to foster a diverse array of working environments, including isolation tanks, while ensuring employees have spaces to unwind and recharge. Additionally, it provides breakfast, lunch, fruits and snacks, eliminating mundane culinary concerns.
The company’s unwavering focus on progress is reflected in its proactive approach to addressing issues and improving processes, guided by its bedrock values of trust, honesty, openness and transparency. Central to this approach is the annual employee engagement survey, which helps gauge the workforce’s pulse and shape positive policies. “First years usually try to be cautious with their comments, but the truth is that we have already implemented numerous changes based on their opinion,” she reveals. One such change was the “Cafeteria of Benefits” programme, which allows employees to choose personalised benefits (holiday tickets, kindergarten or school fees, or even pet insurance, to name a few) where the company covers the cost of certain activities for the employee or their family. “All our employees have different needs and desires, so the programme allows us to be very flexible,” she says. Another implemented change was to improve the quality of meetings, after learning that employees felt overwhelmed, and to introduce a no-meetings Wednesday. The company also conducts individual quarterly performance reviews and arranges regular talks with its HR Business Partners. “At AdTech Holding,” she says, “we prioritise results and employee wellbeing, fostering a caring and supportive environment. I moved to Cyprus because I got a job offer from this company and, after five years, I am still here and happy!”
(This article was first published in GOLD Magazine. To view it click here)