Eurostat: Tourism sees annual growth of more than 20% in 2023
15:25 - 16 January 2024

Tourism in Cyprus increased by more than 20% in 2023 compared to 2022, the second largest growth in the EU, as tourism rebounds across Europe after the COVID-19 pandemic, according to early estimates published by Eurostat based on the data that is so far available for 2023.
Compared with 2022, nearly all EU members recorded an increase in 2023, with Luxembourg being the only member state that recorded a small decrease (-0.1%).
In Malta and Cyprus, the growth exceeded 20% and in 8 other EU members, it exceeded 10% (Slovakia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Austria, Czechia, Portugal, Romania, and Greece).
In absolute numbers, the biggest increase in nights spent was observed in Germany (+32.8 million nights) and Spain (+32.3 million nights).
EU tourism continued to show signs of rebounding from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2023. The estimated number of nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments in 2023 reached 2.92 billion, exceeding the pre-pandemic level for 2019 (2.87 billion) by 1.6% and setting a record year for the EU accommodation sector.
In 2023, 171 million more nights were spent compared with 2022 (+6.3%), mainly driven by an increase in nights spent by international guests (+146 million) and to a lesser extent by an increase in nights spent by domestic guests (+25 million). Tourism levels (in terms of nights spent) were 25% higher than ten years earlier (2013: 2.33 billion nights spent).
Also, following three years with a significantly lower share of international tourists (respectively 29%, 32%, and 44% of all nights spent in 2020, 2021, and 2022), foreigners accounted for 46% of the 2.87 billion nights spent in 2023. This shows a near-return to the pre-pandemic contribution of international tourists (47%). However, in terms of volume, international tourism was still catching up (-0,4% compared with 2019.
In terms of accommodation, hotels and similar accommodation were the dominant segment with 1.8 billion nights spent (63% of the total), followed by holiday and other short-stay accommodation (24%). Campsites accounted for 13% of the total.
(Source: CNA)