See how the transformation of the old GSP is progressing (pics)
07:16 - 22 January 2024

The transformation of the old GSP is well underway with renovation work progressing at a rapid pace.
The redevelopment began in November 2021 with the aim of turning the capital’s historic stadium into a green lung for the city.

The redevelopment of the old GSP site will include, among other things, the creation of a civic square, green spaces, recreational areas, an auditorium, an art gallery, a small waterfall, a water wall, a bookstore, a restaurant and a coffee shop.

Nicosia First has published photos of the progress of the project on its on social network platforms, demonstrating the progress of the construction work.

Cyfield Construction – Cyfield Development JV joint venture undertook the radical renovation and redevelopment, while the budget of the monumental project for Nicosia is reaching €20 million.

The co-financing comes from the "THALEIA" Program 2021-27 and the project is co-financed by the EU Cohesion Fund, the state budget and the Nicosia Municipality, within the framework of the 2021-2027 programming period.

Upon completion, the project will include a parking area with a capacity of 554 vehicles. In addition, there will be 33 disabled parking spaces, 28 parking spaces for people with reduced mobility (families), but also 12 electric car charging areas to be built, with provision for 108 electric cars.

(Source: InBusinessNews)