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RIF Director General holds meetings in the context of the STS Forum in Kyoto

Theodoros Loukaidis the Director General of the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF-IDEK) held a series of meetings with officials from financing institutions in the context of the STS Forum in Kyoto Japan.

According to a press release issued by IDEK, Loukaidis met with Martin Carretero of the Spanish CDTI, with whom it was agreed to exchange expertise in knowledge transmission and commercial exploitation of research results, as well as the provision of networking opportunities between Cypriot and Spanish organisations with the aim to jointly promote proposals to the European Programme Horizon Europe.

Loukaidis also exchanged views with Anu Noorma, Director-General of the Estonian Research Council and Adrian Curaj, Director-General of the Romanian financing organisation UEFISCDI, focusing on the intensification of collaborations on issues of mutual concerns between the two countries’ organisations.

He also met with Melanie Cullins, Director-General of the Canadian National Research Council with whom he discussed the creation of a framework to provide opportunities for cooperation between Cypriot and Canadian companies in the context of Horizon Europe. The Deputy Ministry noted that since July 2024 Canada has joined the programme with Canadian companies eligible for the programme’s Pillar II.

Furthermore, the President and the Director General of IDEK participated in the annual assembly of Funding Agencies Presidents Meeting and took part in a round table discussion with the President of JSPS, Sugino Tsuyoshi, the President of the German Financing organisation DFG, Katja Becker,the Director of the Swiss National Science Corporation Angelika Kalt and the Director General of CDTI.

Loukaidis presented the positions on the role of financing organisations in shaping and implementing scientific diplomacy.

Financing institutions as organisation promoting national policies play an important role both in creating the suitable conditions for the growth of their national ecosystems as well as their internationalization via international cooperation, Loukaidis said.

Both IDEK officials stated that strengthening ties so that science could united and become the common language that creates value and shape a common future is a priority.

Loukaidis also took part in the deliberations of the Regional Action on Climate Change.

(Source: CNA)

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