Leptos Group gives November 2024 construction update for Limassol Blu Marine (video)

The construction of Limassol Blu Marine is progressing at full speed, transforming the heart of Limassol into a vibrant landmark, Leptos Group has announced.

According to the company's November 2024 update on the project, "Poseidon Tower is nearing completion, marking a significant milestone for this iconic 500-million-euro development. Meanwhile, the foundations for Zeus Tower are being laid, bringing the project's vision closer to reality."

"Limassol Blu Marine is not just a project; it’s a lifestyle destination, enhancing modern living in the very center of Limassol’s dynamic landscape. Stay tuned as this world-class development continues to take shape, offering unparalleled luxury and convenience," the update notes.

Watch a new video showcasing the construction progress below, illustrating how the vision of Leptos Limassol Blu Marine is being brought to life and stay tuned for the next updates on this landmark project, the announcement concludes.

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