Raouna: Cypriot Presidency will work for an EU that delivers more to its citizens (video)

Deputy Minister for European Affairs, Marilena Raouna, referred to the importance of the approval of the programme of the next trio of the Presidencies of the Council of the EU, upon her arrival to the General Affairs Council of the EU in Brussels.

The agenda on 17 December included the preparation for the next European Council of 19 December, EU - UK relations and the approval of the Council’s conclusion on enlargement.

In her comments, Raouna noted that this was the final General Affairs Council of the six-month Hungarian Presidency, and also for the outgoing trio of Spain, Belgium and Hungary, and commended the three countries on their work.

“The helm is passed to the upcoming presidency of Poland, Denmark and Cyprus, which starts on the 1st of January of 2025 with Poland” she noted. Cyprus takes over the Presidency at the end of the Trio, during the first half of 2026.

Regarding the 18-month programme of the Trio of Presidencies that was due to be approved on 17 December, Raouna said that “our focus and commitment as the upcoming trio is to work with determination on delivering a stronger, more secure, more prosperous and competitive, more free and democratic EU” which “delivers more to its citizens and delivers more in the world”.

Regarding the upcoming European Council, the Deputy Minister said that Cyprus welcomes the fact that Syria and migration have been included ιn the agenda, pointing to the fact that the two issues are interrelated.

“We need to remember that Syria and Cyprus are neighboring countries, only 70 miles apart and in this regard the EU and Syria share a border. The security and stability of Syria directly impacts the European Union” she underlined.

Raouna said that the developmentsi in Syria are “concerning and volatile” as the fall of the Assad regime “presents a brief window in order to create a track for an open, transparent and inclusive transition of power in Syria”.

“We need to uphold and safeguard the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Syria” she added.

On the role that the EU should play in Syria, she stressed that “now is the time for the European Union not merely to react but to act on Syria” and that the EU “needs to be a driving force when it comes to the stability and prosperity” of the country.

“We need to be at the forefront of reconstruction, of humanitarian aid in line with the established conditionalities” she said, adding that in this regard Cyprus, together with Austria and Greece, has submitted a concept paper with concrete proposals on the EU’s involvement in Syria.

Responding to a question on the position of several member states that ask for the removal of Russian bases in Syria as a precondition for supporting reconstruction, Raouna repeated that “we have a very short window to act in order to ensure an open, inclusive and transparent transition to power”.

“The territorial integrity, the independence, and the sovereignty of Syria are of utmost importance. In this regard, the European Union needs to stand against foreign interference and fragmentation in Syria” she added.

Raouna stressed that the EU “needs to be at the forefront when it comes to reconstruction and delivery of humanitarian assistance, and this needs to be in line with established conditionality with regards to sanctions”, pointing out that “this is an issue that's with the UN”. 

Asked to comment on decisions by member states to start discussing the return of Syrian refugees while the situation is still not stabilised, the Deputy Minister said that after the hope that has been created with the fall of the Assad regime, “it is a fact that in European countries, in Cyprus as well, a number of Syrian applicants of asylum or people that have been granted protection, wish to go back”.

“Our position is that where the returns are voluntary and dignified, we stand ready to support those that want to return, but at the same time, we need to work as the European Union in ensuring conditions of stability and peace in Syria” she stressed.

Regarding EU - UK relations, Rouna said that the UK “is an important and crucial ally, particularly in the context of security, threats and challenges that we face”.

She expressed a commitment, “also in light of our upcoming presidency, to work on a robust and wide-ranging partnership with the United Kingdom”, underlining that “the implementation of existing agreements is of vital importance”.

On conclusions on enlargement, the Deputy Minister said that earlier on 17 December she participated in the intergovernmental conference with Albania, and on 16 December at the intergovernmental conference with Montenegro.

“This proves that enlargement is a dynamic process. It's a geopolitical necessity, and when our partners deliver, so do we. What is key is that this is a merit-based process anchored on strict and fair conditionality” she stressed.

(Source: CNA)

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