Eurobarometer: Migration the most important issue for Cypriots, higher than the EU average
09:17 - 24 December 2024

Cypriots see migration as the most important issue that the country in particular, as well as the EU in general, are facing, according to responses given in the framework of the latest Eurobarometer survey which covers October and November 2024.
According to a press release on the survey, when asked which are the two most important issues Cyprus faces at the moment (asked to give maximum two answers), Cypriots singled out migration (50% of respondents in Cyprus, compared with 20% in the EU), and rising prices, inflation and the cost of living (40% in Cyprus, 33% in the EU).
When asked to select the two most important issues facing the EU in general, Cypriots once again selected migration (50% of respondents in Cyprus, 28% in the EU), giving second place to the war in Ukraine (33% in Cyprus, compared with 31% in the EU).
The survey also showed that 79% of respondents in Cyprus expressed satisfaction with their lives (a 4% drop since the Spring 2024 survey), lower than the EU average (86%).
The Eurobarometer survey assesses the views of EU citizens living in the 27 EU member states, as well as citizens living in the current candidate and potential candidate countries (except Ukraine) and the United Kingdom.
The survey was conducted from 10 October to 3 November across the EU with a sample of 26,525 interviews. In Cyprus, the survey was conducted from 10 to 31 October, with a sample of 501 interviews.