Papachristophi: Works on the Polis Chrysochous sewage system expected to be completed in 2029
09:18 - 30 December 2024
The construction works for the sewage system of Polis Chrysochous are expected to be completed in 2029, its Mayor, Yiotis Papachristophi, has said, following a briefing he received from the Water Development Department.
As Papachristofi told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), the contract was signed in November 2023 and construction works are anticipated to begin in early 2026 with completion expected in 2029.
The contract in question, he added, concerns the provision of services for the preparation of a study - design of the sewage and rainwater collection network, and the preparation of tender documents for the construction of the network.
Furthermore, the preparation of tender documents for the study, construction, operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant and the supervision of network and plant works, as well as the environmental impact assessment for construction contracts in accordance with the applicable legislation for the sewage system in the Municipality of Polis Chrysochous.
Additionally, Papachristophis noted that the Department of Water Development is responsible for managing the contract and that the implementation of the project will meet the compliance requirements of the Republic of Cyprus for the settlement of Polis Chrysochous.
Papachristofi noted that the project is being implemented within the framework of the Cohesion Policy Program "THALYA 2021-2027" with EU co-financing, and the Chrysochous Bay area is expected to reap significant benefits, mainly with regard to the possibility of using the reclaimed water and the produced sludge, which finds wide application in the energy sector and in the agricultural sector as a soil conditioner.
(Sources: InBusinessNews/CNA)