Number of unemployed down 12.4% y-o-y in November
16:04 - 04 December 2024

The number of unemployed persons, registered at the District Labour Offices on the last day of November 2024, recorded a decrease of 12.4%, according to Cystat.
According to the data, the number of unemployed persons in November reached 11,087 persons. Based on the seasonally adjusted data that show the trend of unemployment, the number of registered unemployed for November 2024 reached 10,375 persons remaining at the same level in comparison to the previous month.
In comparison with November 2023, a decrease of 1,575 persons or 12.4% was recorded, attributed mainly to the sectors of financial and insurance activities, accommodation and food service activities, construction, trade, as well as to the decrease recorded for newcomers in the labour market.