Cyprus had second largest share of population using social media in EU in 2023
07:51 - 20 March 2024

About 83% of the population of Cyprus in 2023 participated in social networks (such as Facebook, X, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok), compared to a 59% average across the EU, according to data released by Eurostat, the statistic service of the European Union.
Denmark was the country that reported the highest share of people creating a user profile, and posting messages or other contributions on social media (91%), followed by Cyprus (83%) and Hungary (81%).
The lowest percentage shares of participating in social networks were reported by France (44%), Germany (49%) and Italy (53%).
In 224 out of 273 EU regions (NUTS2 and NUTS3), participation in social networks stood above 50%. Cyprus is considered a single region on all levels due to size and population.
The highest shares were registered in the Danish regions of Midtjylland (93%), Hovedstaden (the capital region) (92%), Syddanmark (90%), Nordjylland and Sjælland (both 89%).
Other EU regions also reported high shares of use of the Internet for social media, such as in the Hungarian regions of Budapest (86%), Közép-Magyarország (85%) and Pest (84%), as well as Flevoland (84%) in the Netherlands.
The lowest shares, alike and below 40%, were registered mainly in France and Germany. In France, these were Guyane (22%), Martinique (29%), Guadeloupe (30%), Bretagne (38%), Haute-Normandie (39%) and Bourgogne (40%). In Germany, these were the regions of Sachsen-Anhalt (35%), Brandenburg (36%), Thüringen (38%) and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (40%).
(Source: CNA)