Cyprus government expects update following Holguín's meeting with Guterres

The Cyprus government has learned that UN Secretary-General's personal envoy on Cyprus, Maria Angela Holguín Cuellar, will have a tête-à-tête meeting with the chief of the international organisation, Antonio Guterres, at the beginning of June at UN headquarters to discuss the situation and exchange views regarding efforts to resume settlement talks, Government Spokesman, Konstantinos Letymbiotis, has said. 

Replying to media questions following a memorial service for the fallen of the Kontemenos community, in Nicosia on 2 June, Letymbiotis said that they expect an update from Holguín and from the SG after the meeting.

Asked about the exchange between the UN SG and Holguín, the Spokesman said that "What we have always wanted is an objective presentation of facts and events. On our part, the initiatives taken personally by the President himself and our sincere commitment to resume talks, full alignment with the agreed framework and resolutions are self-evident."

They know, he added, that things have not been and are not easy. "But we have no choice. With consistency and continuity we will make every effort to resume the talks from the point where they have been interrupted, with a view to a final settlement of the problem, on the basis of a bizonal bicommunal federation with political equality”, he said.

Asked about the duration of Holguín's mandate, Letymbiotis said that "The terms of her mandate are decided by the UN Secretary General himself. It is up to him to decide for how long Holguín will continue her efforts. We expect that Holguín will continue, she has stated that she and the Secretary General remain firmly committed with undiminished interest in the efforts to resume talks. Her contract was until July which the SG can renew."

Asked, in case the UN Secretary General considers that there is a deadlock, whether this is the end of the road regarding these efforts, the Spokesman said "under no circumstances" this is considered to be the end of the road for the Cyprus problem "and we will never allow this." 

He spoke about the "highest national obligation" of the Greek Cypriot side, not to deviate "even one millimetre" from the agreed framework and the Security Council resolutions that act as a shield for the country. "Let us wait for the meeting and avoid making assumptions" he added.

The Spokesman spoke of the UN Secretary General's "self-evident commitment" to the effort to resume negotiations.

He also referred to the linkage of the progress of EU-Turkish affairs with the progress in the Cyprus issue, speaking of an "important milestone."

"It was the culmination of the President's efforts over the past year in terms of securing a more active EU engagement. What we assure the Cypriot people is that there is no greater concern than the solution of the Cyprus problem, the highest national cause, and we will continue to make every possible effort so that developments can take place," he said.

Asked whether the appointment of a European envoy for the Cyprus problem has been put on ice, Letymbiotis stated that efforts on the EU envoy are ongoing. He said that diplomatic contacts are being made and they will continue every possible effort that can be useful.

Furthermore, in his memorial speech, Letymbiotis said, among others, that "we are working for the end of the occupation, the reunification of our country through the achievement of a peaceful solution to the Cyprus problem".

The Government, the Spokesman continued, assures people that its highest priority is none other than the reunification of Cyprus.

"We remain firmly committed to a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem on the basis of the relevant UN resolutions, with a single sovereignty, single citizenship, single international personality, always in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions, the European acquis and of course the principles and values on which the European Union is founded," he noted.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. Repeated rounds of UN-led peace talks have so far failed to yield results.

The latest round of negotiations, in July 2017 at the Swiss resort of Crans-Montana ended inconclusively.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres appointed María Ángela Holguín Cuéllar of Colombia as his personal envoy for Cyprus, to assume a Good Offices role on his behalf and search for common ground on the way forward in the Cyprus issue. 

(Source: CNA)

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