Cyprus diaspora annual conference gets underway in Nicosia

President Nikos Christodoulides declared the opening of the Annual World Conference of Overseas Cypriots in Nicosia on the evening of 30 July.

As he opened the Conference, the President mused how it was taking place just after the “sad anniversary” marking 50 years since the Turkish invasion and occupation which “continues to define the course of the country, the course of all of us, and our daily lives”.

“Today’s state of affairs is not sustainable, as it bears severe dangers,” he said, adding that “almost on a daily basis, there are more faits acomplis and for this reason the liberation, the solution of the Cyprus and the reunification of our country should be our basic priority”.

He recalled that during last year’s conference he vowed that he would exert every effort towards the resumption of the UN-led talks over the solution to the Cyprus problem.

“One year after, I have done exactly that and will continue to do so until the blessed day of reunification”, he added noting that the insistence and focus of the Greek Cypriot side reinvigorated the interest over the Cyprus problem and achieved the appointment of the UN Secretary General’s personal envoy on Cyprus.

“We sought this appointment, we supported it and we continue to support the efforts of the UN Secretary-General despite difficulties, challenges and problems without underestimating Turkey’s targets and pursuits,” he went on to say.

Moreover, the President highlighted the “strong belief” that through the strengthening of Cyprus’s international footprint and the creation of a grid of mutual interests would assist the efforts to bring about a solution to the Cyprus problem.

As he said, the international law is not determining the decision of states. “We live in an anarchial global system, although the international law is a strong tool in our efforts, the decisions of states are taken on the basis of their interests.”

“And the sooner we realise this dimension, the more successful our strategy will be to achieve terminating occupation and reunifying our country,” he said.

In the context, he referred, inter alia, to the strengthening of relations with the United States through the signing of the strategic framework and the efforts to strengthen Cyprus’ regional role, citing Nicosia’s initiative over the humanitarian maritime corridor to assist the besieged people in Gaza.

“The Republic of Cyprus is not the Cyprus problem alone, our country and its role particularly in the region is being acknowledged and upgraded and this development strengthens our effort to achieve our No 1 priority which is none other than the liberation, to end the occupation and to reunify our country,” he said.

Other speakers included the Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos, leaders of the World Federation of Overseas Cypriots (POMAK), International Coordinating Committee “Justice for Cyprus” (PSEKA) and the World Organisation for Young Overseas Cypriots (NEPOMAK), Andreas Papaevripides, Philip Christopher and Chris Tuton, respectively, along with Greek Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, responsible for the Greek Diaspora, Giorgos Kotsiras, House President Annita Demetriou and Archbishop of Cyprus Georgios.

(Source: CNA)

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