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Final day to submit your nominations for the CBN Young Dragon Awards!

Today is the final day of the Open Call to submit your nominations for the newly-established CBN Young Dragon Awards!

The deadline to submit nominations online for the 10 exciting categories expires today, 31 July, 2024.

The CBN Young Dragon Awards will see Cyprus Business News award and celebrate young talent, potential and early achievement in business.

Marked as an annual event, the CBN Young Dragon Awards will honour professionals/executives under the age of 40 who have demonstrated outstanding achievements, leadership prowess and a commitment to having a positive impact on their companies and on the broader business community.

Dragons are majestic creatures that have resonated in various cultures, symbolising many elements, amongst which the most prevalent are power, strength, wisdom, luck, knowledge, hope and rebirth.

The symbol of the dragon encourages self-discovery and personal growth, urging individuals to embrace their inner power and release their true potential. The dragon embodies the journey of transformation, which empowers them to rise above all limitations and obstacles.

Dragons are full of confidence yet, at the same time, they demonstrate compassion and grace and this is exactly why the dragon is the symbol that we have chosen for the Cyprus Business News awards.

Nominations for the awards can be submitted through an open call procedure for the following categories:

  1. Tourism, Hotel, Leisure, Food and Beverage
  2. Construction and Real Estate
  3. Trading and Manufacturing (retail trade, wholesale trade, manufacturing)
  4. Technology (technology companies, software, hardware, telcos, etc.)
  5. Services (Education, Health, Media, Communications, Advertising, Supply Chain and Logistics)
  6. Financial Services (Banking, Investing, Insurance, other financial services)
  7. Shipping
  8. Professional Services (law, accounting, consulting)
  9. Gaming
  10. Young Entrepreneur

Companies interested in nominating one or more employees can, until the closing date of 31 July, 2024, submit their applications using the open call template provided via CBN.

All applications / nominations in each award category will be evaluated by an Awards Committee consisting of more than 50 personalities from the business world in Cyprus. Members of the Awards Committee may be related to specific award categories or have a more diverse business background and experience

The Committee will select the four (4) candidates with the highest score in each category, who will be announced to the public for voting.

Awarded individuals will be the candidates obtaining the highest score in the joint public and Committee vote with weighted average: 50%-50%.

CBN Young Dragon Awards! We vote for and endorse those young professionals – the young dragons – who have set out to conquer the business world, sending a powerful message of inspiration, empowerment and excellence, qualities we aim to recognise and promote in the next generation of business leaders!

Click HERE to find out more and submit your nominations now. Remember that the closing date for submissions is 31 July, 2024.

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