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China’s focus on economic expansion, witnessed by Cypriot journalists

China's economy is expanding rapidly, and the country is dedicated to opening it up further, as a group of Cypriot journalists had the opportunity to witness during a trip to Beijing, Ningbo and Nanjing.

The group of Cypriot journalists led by representatives from the Press and Information Office in Nicosia, were invited by the Chinese Embassy in Nicosia, to China, to witness the country’s steadfast commitment to open up its economy, the vast potential and vitality as well as its desire to offer the world more opportunities.

The trip to Beijing, Ningbo and Nanjing, took place from 21-30 July, a timeframe not for the weak due to the extremely hot and humid conditions, especially in the country’s capital. The hosts, the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs, ensured the delegation were presented on how the country runs and its commitment to the decisions of the third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China Central Committee, in Beijing on 18 July, 2024.

The journey through Beijing, Ningbo, and Nanjing showcased China's vast potential and modernisation efforts, despite the challenges posed by its unique political environment and internet restrictions.

Overall, the trip illustrated China's strategic focus on economic expansion and international collaboration while navigating the complexities of its political and social landscape.

With a population of over 1.4 billion China is indeed a mega country although now not the most populous with India taking the lead. One expects to confront the unexpected in China, after all China's vast size, unique politics, language, culture, cuisine, and tumultuous modern history can seem intimidating. It may appear to be a destination that requires cautious preparation and thorough research. However, while it's always advisable to learn a few local phrases and become familiar with the destination, China does not have to be daunting for first-time visitors.


Beijing was the arrival city. It is a major metropolis and the capital of the People’s Republic of China. Beijing is a central part of the larger urban region known as Jing-Jin-Ji, which encompasses Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei province. Beijing uniquely blends its rich cultural heritage as an ancient capital with its status as a modern international metropolis. It is home to over 21 million people, making it a bustling and densely populated city which can be overwhelming; it is known for the heavy traffic, the presence of bicycles and motorcycles, and the heavy use of noiseless electric or hybrid vehicles.

The delegation was greeted by Deputy Director & Level 1 Division Rank Official, of the Department for European Affairs of the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs Yang Yong and Level II Principal Staff Member of the Institute, Feng Tao. Both men remained with the delegation until the completion of the visit.

First on the list of visits was the All-China Journalists Association (ACJA) is a national non-governmental organization composed of the press institutions at the national level, journalists’ associations of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, journalists’ associations of special trades, and major institutions engaged in journalism education and research. It has 217 institutional members including local and professional journalists’ associations, which embraces a total of more than 1.2 mn people engaged in journalism.

Wu Xu, Executive Secretary of the China Journalists Association told the delegation that the Association has six main responsibilities which include providing training and professional opportunities to members, assistance through insurance, alumni and awards for news articles, forming international cooperation exchanges which encompasses the Belt and Road Forum, annual responsibility report and an ethic’s group.

At the Department of European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Cypriot journalists conversed with Qi Han through a Greek speaking interpreter. She referred to the dispute with the European Union which has imposed extra duties of up to 37.6 percent on imports of electric vehicles (EVs) made in China. She pledged the country’s determination to tackle the dispute through continued dialogue with the bloc, noting that Cyprus has an important role to play.

Journalists also had the chance to meet the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning, following the facilitation by China on July 23 of a "National Unity" agreement between Hamas, Fateh, and 12 other Palestinian factions. The agreement emerged after extensive negotiations in Beijing.

Ambassador Zou Xiaoli, Vice President of the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA), hosts of the visit, met with the Cypriot Press Delegation. Vice President Zou mainly briefed on the essence of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. The two sides also exchanged views on China-Cyprus and China-Europe relations and other issues of common interest for the two countries.

Completing the visits in the capital were trips to Xinhua and a stop at the People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China with the aim to connect the Party and the people. In 2023 the daily circulation of People’s Daily reached 3.56 million and by further advancing media convergence, it has become a new mainstream media group with more than 10 media outlets including printed newspapers, periodicals, websites, mobile applications, social media accounts and digital screens. It’s online version runs in seven ethnic minority languages and 15 foreign languages too. It also has an overseas edition with a comprehensive circulation of more than one million in 86 countries and regions and as developed into an all-media matrix with new brands such as, Haike app and Wechat accounts. The People’s Daily also runs an English edition since 2009 under the name the Global Times.  Chinese exploit to the fullest the technology to advance their CPC’s positions with the General Secretary Xi Jinping fully endorsing its role and encouraging it to expand its influence to reach larger domain and more audience. The People’s Daily established an All Media Command Centre designed for all-media news production in line with the general trend of media convergence and development.  In a complex that resembles a vast park, it houses the old offices with the new and even apartments for staff who need to stay in the capital.

Xinhua is the official state news agency of China and one of the largest and most influential news organizations in the country. Situated in Beijing's central business district, Xinhua provides comprehensive news coverage across various fields, including politics, economics, culture, and international affairs. It serves as a primary source of information for Chinese media and is also influential internationally. It operates a vast network of correspondents and bureaus worldwide, making it a key player in global news dissemination. Its reports are often cited by other media outlets and contribute to China's media presence on the global stage.


Next stop from the capital was Ningbo city, located on the southeastern coastline of China. One of China’s oldest cities, Ningbo, with a long history and rich culture, is located in northeast Zhejiang province. With a population of 9.62 million, it is one of 15 sub-provincial cities in China and enjoys provincial-level autonomy in making financial and economic policy. It is home to one of the world’s busiest ports and has global headquarters and registered offices of more than 100 listed companies, among the most in China. It is also a sister city with Larnaca, a port city too.

Cao Sheng, Director at the Protocol and Information Division of American and Oceania Affairs of the Ningbo Foreign Office, welcoming the delegation, she referred to the cooperation between Ningbo and Larnaca, as both are important port cities noting the contacts will be intensified now with the re-election of Larnaca Mayor Andreas Vyras to support working together and carrying out exchanges and cooperation.

Thanks to its port, Ningbo flourishes. The Ningbo Zhoushan Port is served by the main shipping routes of the Pacific Rim and is connected by over 300 routes to over 600 ports in more than 200 countries and regions, working more than 350 days a year. It can accommodate 300,000 -DWT vessels and up to 400,000-DWT vessels at high tide. It contains 19 areas including the Ningbo Beilun Third Container Terminal which has a water depth of more than 22.1 meters for the axes channel which can meet the demand for the entry and berthing of the largest containing ship around the clock. The Port has handled 1.32 billion tons of cargo in 2023, a 4.9% increase, and enjoys the title of the world’s busiest cargo port. The container volume handled by the Port reached 35.3 million TEUs, making it vital for the Belt and Road.

A city that is considered living monument to the past interactions of the historical Silk Road, Ningbo has established investment and trade relations with over 220 countries worldwide. In 2023 alone, the city’s total self-operated import and export volume reached 1.27793 trillion yuan and is home to the China – Central and Eastern European Countries Cooperation (CEEC) Business Demonstration Zone as well as the host city for the China – CEEC Expo. In an area of 32 thousand square meters, housing 58 importers of CEE products and 34 commodity pavilions, locals are encouraged to visit and purchase from the 5 thousand products across various categories. The pavilion also operates 20 direct sales centres across eight districts in three provinces while there are special sections for CEE goods on UnionPay Mall, Taixianggou and other e-commerce platforms.  The pavilion boasts EU products including goods from Greece.

The Ningbo Media Group grasped the Cypriot journalists’ attention as it is a comprehensive media conglomerate and operates multiple radio and TV channels, along with the Ningju News App. It also has film, television, event management and technology companies. In newly built premises, the Group boasts up-to-date infrastructure and facilities, television studios which incorporate AI capabilities, half a dozen state of the art vehicles for live transmission and the most modern television studios.

Ningbo also houses the Tianyige Museum, featuring the renowned Tianyi Pavilion which is the oldest existing private library in China and one of the three oldest family libraries in the world. It holds 300 thousand ancient books of which 80 thousand are rare volumes in prime condition, including ancient books, calligraphy works, paintings, inscriptions, engravings, furniture, stone carvings and many more.

The city is also home to companies such as Soundking Group and Joyson Holding. The first has a 35-year-old history, becoming a global leader in smart integrated audiovisual technology which ranks 21st among the world’s top 225 professional audio and musical instrument industries. It was also the supplier for five world-class events, including the Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo and the G20 Summit.

Joyson Holding was the second company visited. It is considered a significant player in the global automotive industry, particularly through its subsidiary, Ningbo Joyson Electronic Corp. Founded in 2004 by Wang Jianfeng, the company employs nearly 44,000 people and has grown into one of the world's leading suppliers of automotive electronics and safety systems.

Joyson focuses on various aspects of automotive technology, including intelligent cockpits, intelligent driving systems, e-mobility solutions, and comprehensive automotive safety systems. The company operates several business units and research institutes dedicated to innovation in these areas. Many European companies boast automative safety systems by Joyson, including the Volkswagen Group, incorporate Joyson's airbags, seat belts, and steering wheels in various models, BMW, Mercedes-Benz where Joyson supplies safety components, especially in their higher-end models that demand cutting-edge safety technology and Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance.


The last stop of the tour was Nanjing, a city located at the very heart of the Yangtze River Delta and serves as the political, cultural, scientific and technological centre of Jiangsu Province. It is a historical and cultural city with a history of more than 2,500 years and one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilisation. The delegation arrived via bullet train from Ningbo, a unique experience as they proved to be an efficient and convenient way to travel between cities. China's high-speed rail (HSR) network is one of the largest and most advanced in the world, with trains that can reach speeds of up to 350 km/h (about 217 mph).

Nanjing is a vibrant city; in 2019, UNESCO designated Nanjing as a “City of Literature” within its Creative Cities Network. It has a total area of 6.587 Kilometers and a permanent resident population of nearly 9.5 million, it is an important central city in eastern China and the capital of Jiangsu Province. It has made unremitting efforts to raise its global presence and recognition by focusing on catering services, accommodation, transport links, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment. It also aims to enhance its city brand and appeal and elevate its reputation as a ‘nationally celebrated and globally renowned consumption city.’

Indeed, Nanjing is unlike the other two cities visited. Families and young people enjoy their city and are out until the early hours. Shopping, night life, it’s cultural significance and milder weather make Nanjing stand out from the other cities visited. Nanjing is also sister city to Limassol in Cyprus. A delegation from the Foreign Affairs Office of the Nanjing Municipality visited Limassol last September and is keen to develop relations with the town's new leadership.

The first stop was the Xiaoxihu Block Renewal Project, a notable urban regeneration initiative in Nanjing, focusing on revitalising a historically significant yet deteriorated neighborhood. The project aims to preserve the area's cultural heritage while improving living conditions and infrastructure. It maintains the traditional courtyard structures and social fabric that date back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, The renewal has transformed Xiaoxihu from a rundown area into a vibrant, livable community, blending old times charm with modern conveniences with utilities and amenities, including the addition of kitchens, bathrooms, and improved access to water, gas, and electricity. The project has been recognized for its balanced approach, earning awards like the 2022 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Cultural Heritage Award.

Another notable project is the Youth Olympics International Community, a significant urban development project that was initiated in conjunction with the 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games. This community was designed to serve multiple purposes, both during the games and in the years following the event. It has attracted both local residents and international expats, contributing to the city’s reputation as a global city. Various arts and crafts as well as services are provided for the community’s residents.

Furthermore, adding to the city’s modernisation is the Nanjing Government Services Centre, a facility designed to streamline administrative services and improve the efficiency of government operations. It serves as a central hub where residents can access a wide range of public services, including but not limited to administrative Services such as business registration, permits, and licenses, public services including social security, health care, and education-related inquiries and consultation Services for assistance with legal issues, housing, and other personal or business matters.

The Centre aims to provide a more user-friendly experience for residents by integrating various governmental departments and services into a single location. It typically features modern technology and systems to facilitate efficient processing and reduce waiting times.

Another highlight of the trip was the China Software Valley in Nanjing, developed as part of China’s broader strategy to foster technological innovation and develop the software and IT industries. It is a prominent technology and innovation hub located in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province aiming to attract tech investments, foster innovation and help in the development of China’s software industry and IT services sector, promoting advancements in technology and business practices.

The China Software Valley in Nanjing reflects China's commitment to creating a dynamic environment for technological advancement and economic growth, leveraging its position as a key player in the global tech landscape.

Longhoo.Net, the local media group was the last stop of the visit. With 300 employees, it provides media services to the citizens of Nanjing and strives to provide new technologies and news products. It also has a platform where local markets are encouraged to sell their products. This was established following the COVID-19 pandemic and has proved to be successful. 

The group has also made a video that has been awarded about the Nanjing Massacre.  From December 13, 1937 to January 1938, the Japanese invaders blatantly violated international conventions; they seized Nanjing, the capital city of China at that time, and slaughtered innocent civilians and prisoners of war. Over 300,000 people were killed. One-third of Nanjing's buildings were destroyed, more than 20,000 cases of rape or gang rape occurred in the city, public and private property were plundered, and the ancient capital suffered an unprecedented disaster. This bloody event was later known to the world as the "Nanjing Massacre" (or the "Nanking Massacre").

As the trip came to an end, it can be said that the delegation was offered a comprehensive view of the country's dynamic growth and its commitment to opening up its economy. The journey through Beijing, Ningbo, and Nanjing showcased China's vast potential and modernisation efforts, despite the challenges posed by its unique political environment and internet restrictions.

Overall, the trip illustrated China's strategic focus on economic expansion and international collaboration while navigating the complexities of its political and social landscape. The experience provided the journalists with valuable insights into China's ongoing transformation and its global aspirations.

(Source: CNA)

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