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AUB Mediterraneo professor Elena Antonacopoulou wins Academy of Management Learning and Education Decade Award

Elena P. Antonacopoulou, who has just joined American University of Beirut – Mediterraneo in Pafos as Professor of Management in the Faculty of Business, has received the prestigious Academy of Management Learning and Education Decade Award, recognising the most influential article published in the journal over the past decade.

Antonacopoulou teamed up with Herman Aguinis, Debra L. Shapiro, and Tom Cummings, to co-author the paper “Scholarly impact: A pluralist conceptualization” (Aguinis, Shapiro, Antonacopoulou, & Cummings, 2014).

The paper offers an innovative approach to sustainable research by measuring impact beyond academia, and advocates for adopting a pluralist conceptualisation of scholarly impact, which can drive engaged scholarship and design-science research that produces actionable knowledge. This approach aims to bridge the gap between research and practice, enhancing the relevance and value of scholarship, the authors said.

On receiving the award, Antonacopoulou stated, “I am so grateful to share this moment with my dear friends Herman, Debra, and Tom. We wrote this paper to articulate a stance for what we stand for as responsible management scholars. I am delighted that I have the opportunity to join forces with my colleagues at AUB Mediterraneo to continue to advance management research and teaching excellence that realizes our impact to co-create a better world”.

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