Republic of Cyprus and USA sign Roadmap for Bilateral Defence Cooperation

A Road Map for Bilateral Defence Cooperation has been signed by the Republic of Cyprus and the USA.

The Roadmap was signed during a 9 September special ceremony held at the Ministry of Defence by the Minister of Defence Vassilis Palmas and the US Assistant Secretary of Defence for International Security Affairs Celeste Wallander, in the presence of the National Guard Chief Lt. Gen. George Tsitsikostas and the US Ambassador to Cyprus Julie Fisher.

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"Today's signing of the Bilateral Defence Cooperation Roadmap between the Ministries of Defence of the US and the Republic of Cyprus is a strong indication of our commitment to further upgrade and deepen our relationship," Minister of Defence Vassilis Palmas said.

On her part, the US Assistant Defence Secretary spoke of an important milestone in the bilateral defence relationship between the Republic of Cyprus and the US.

"This Roadmap for Bilateral Defence Cooperation furthers our mutually beneficial security goals and reaffirms the extraordinary growth our relationship has experienced, especially over the last two years," she added.

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The signing of the Roadmap was preceded by a tete-a-tete meeting between Vassilis Palmas and Celeste Wallander, as well as extended talks between the delegations of the two countries.

In his statements after the signing of the Roadmap, Minister of Defence spoke of a very interesting, essential and constructive discussion on a wide range of issues, noting that Celeste Wallander’s presence today in Cyprus demonstrates the friendship and the evolving and rapidly developing cooperation between the United States of America and the Republic of Cyprus in the fields of defence and security.

"At this time, our strategic partnership is at the highest level it has ever been" Vassilis Palmas told Mrs. Wallander, stressing that the bilateral relationship is based on common values, common ideals, common priorities, common goals and common interests.

"Goals and interests, which are directly connected with the promotion of peace and the creation of conditions of security, stability, cooperation and prosperity, both regionally and internationally," he further said.

The Minister of Defence also said that during the meeting he briefed the American Assistant Secretary of Defence on the security situation in Cyprus, the provocative actions of the Turkish occupying forces in the UN controlled buffer zone, as well as on the latest developments in the Cyprus problem, highlighting the difficulties the Cypriot side faces, "due to the intransigence of Turkey, which now seeks to change the basis of negotiations outside the framework of the UN and EU principles and what has been agreed so far".

He reiterated that the Republic of Cyprus remains committed to the effort to resume negotiations, with the aim of resolving the Cyprus issue and reuniting Cyprus.

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He also noted that they discussed, inter alia, the security situation in the broader Eastern Mediterranean region and the conflict in Israel and Gaza, Cyprus’s "Amalthea" Initiative to create a maritime corridor for unhindered and safe delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, stressing the context of the close cooperation of Cyprus with other states and organizations and recognizing the decisive role of the United States in the implementation of the aid plan and in the provision of logistical support.

In particular, regarding the signing of the Roadmap, Vassilis Palmas emphasized that it is a strong indication of the commitment to further upgrade and deepen the bilateral relationship and assured that the Cypriot state and the Ministry of Defence will continue to make every possible effort in this direction.

"We will continue to be constructive in every effort to create the conditions for a closer, stronger and more beneficial bilateral defence and security cooperation with the United States of America," he added.

On her part, Celeste Wallander spoke of a significant milestone in the bilateral defence relationship between the Republic of Cyprus and the United States.

“This Roadmap for Bilateral Defence Cooperation furthers our mutually beneficial security goals and reaffirms the exceptional growth our relationship has experienced, especially in the last two years” she said, pointing out that “the Republic of Cyprus is a strong partner to the United States in Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean and plays a pivotal role at the nexus of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East”.

“Cyprus's alignment and shared values with the West during recent regional tumult has been critically important,” she added, recalling that Cyprus has demonstrated its commitment to the region's security and stability by serving in 2006 as a safe haven during Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations from Lebanon, and by receiving Americans from Sudan and Israel last year.

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“We are also grateful for your leadership in envisioning and enabling the Cyprus Maritime Corridor which has ensured that 20 million pounds of humanitarian aid and counting have reached the most vulnerable people in Gaza” she added, noting that “this Roadmap builds on our robust relationship and charts a path for what we will continue to accomplish together well into the future”.

“It is evident Cyprus is aligned with the West,” she stressed.

Celeste Allander also congratulated the Republic of Cyprus and New Jersey National Guard on the one-year anniversary of State Partnership, saying that “the State Partnership Program is one of the most fruitful Department of Defence programs, and the level of cooperation already achieved in the first year is remarkable”.

“From ordinance handling to medical training to non-commissioned officer development, our relationship is deepening and expanding. Exercises and exchanges-and building lasting friendship-is what this program is all about” she added, urging all those involved to continue to make the most of this partnership,” she noted.

(Source: CNA)

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