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Huawei’s Solomakos on how to ensure Secure AI for the Intelligent World

A radical reshaping of industries spanning from healthcare to finance and even everyday personal experiences is underway. With this rapid development, however, comes a critical challenge directly related to ensuring the security, ethics and reliability of IT systems.

Ioannis Solomakos, Chief Security Officer, Huawei, South Balkans gave an interesting presentation on the topic in the context of the 4th Cyber Security Conference, entitled ‘Secure AI for the Intelligent World.’.

Speaking at the 26 September event in Nicosia, he referred to the ‘Shared Responsibility’ approach that Solomakos suggested should be adopted by all organisations. As technology continues to evolve, risk management is not just about the security of a data center's technology, but includes all elements of the applications and services that serve customers, be they infrastructure (IaaS), platforms (PaaS) or software ( SaaS), he said.

For businesses to be effectively shielded, a common risk understanding strategy is required, where policies and technologies must work together in harmony, he explained through his presentation.

In a traditional data world, businesses only had to protect their technology infrastructure. But today, with the penetration of artificial intelligence and cloud services, security is multi-layered and tailored to each customer's needs, Solomakos also noted. In this context, the Shared Responsibility model clarifies, as he stated, who is responsible for protecting each element of a system, thereby reducing security gaps.

For Solomakos, applying a three-dimensional approach to risk is central to creating an ‘Intelligent World’.

Businesses need to assess risks from multiple perspectives and strengthen their systems to be able to respond to the ever-increasing cyber risks, he said, concluding, successful businesses, understanding the need for increased protection and regulation of their policies, will ensure their long-term stability and success.

(Source: InBusinessNews)

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