Demetris Georgiades named Chairman of Cyprus Economy and Competitiveness Council
08:39 - 05 September 2024

The Cabinet has decided on the appointment of the members of the Cyprus Economy and Competitiveness Council, naming Demetris Georgiades as Chairman and George Syrichas as Vice Chairman.
Among other things, the Council is responsible for the systematic monitoring of competitiveness and productivity indicators, through the examination of a wide range of internationally recognized qualitative and quantitative indicators and benchmarking against the world's best performing countries as well as with competing countries, especially within EU.
The newly appointed and returning members of the Council, meanwhile, are:
- Christophoros Anagiotos,
- Lysandros Ioannou,
- Adonis Pegasiou,
- Omiros Pissarides,
- Georgios Kitazos
- Evangelos Tryfonos
- Maria Erakleous
- Poly Papavassiliou.
Separately, the Cabinet also ratified the appointment of Kyriakos Psaras as a member of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Ports Authority, after the House of Representatives was informed, to which Psaras’ CV was also sent, as is the standard practice in all cases for the appointment of members to Administrative Boards of Legal Entities of Public Law.
(Source: InBusinessNews)