Cyprus' consent to Chevron's "Aphrodite" plan within a month, reports say
08:05 - 10 January 2025

In one month at the latest, the Republic of Cyprus will have given its "consent" to the Development and Production Plan for the "Aphrodite" field submitted by Chevron.
This is something that the Cyprus News Agency was informed about on 9 January.
At the moment, according to the same information, "the last legal positions and touches" are being added to the plan submitted by the US energy giant, which seems to be "in the right direction".
The plan includes a floating production facility, a pipeline closer to Egypt than the pipeline previously suggested by the US company and a landing point where gas infrastructure exists in Egypt.
In particular, as CNA is informed, the landing is specified to be east of Egypt, at Port Said, whereas previously, under the company's latest offer, it would have been further west into Egypt and therefore further away from "Aphrodite".
This change reportedly reduces the cost and implementation time of the project and at the same time the floating production unit sought by the Republic of Cyprus remains at the "Aphrodite" field.
(Source: CNA)