E-kalathi set to begin on pilot basis
07:55 - 10 February 2025

The e-kalathi (e-basket) digital platform is set to begin operating will operate on Monday, 10 February for a pilot phase of ten days, with real prices initially for 478 essential products, which will be supplied by supermarkets on a daily basis.
In statements to CNA on Sunday, Constantinos Karagiorgis, Director of the Consumer Protection Service at the Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry, said that on Monday the pilot phase will begin with real prices, which will be supplied by supermarkets on a daily basis, while virtual consumers will be testing the system and will identify possible problems that may arise.
The pilot phase will last for ten days, until 20 February and thereafter, its final version will be presented on 4 March.
"So on 4 March, consumers will have the ability to monitor the prices of products included in e-kalathi, in real time, 24 hours a day" he said.
He added that “we will constantly monitor the consumer needs, shape and revise the platform at regular intervals, in order to satisfy the needs of consumers.”
Asked whether the products will cover various categories, he said that they initially selected 478 products that constitute the essential goods of a household on a weekly basis.
He added that the main goal is to further enrich the list of these products in the coming period.
(Source: CNA)