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Economic sentiment slightly improved in February, CypERC reports

Economic sentiment in Cyprus improved slightly in February 2025, the Economics Research Center (CypERC) reports, as the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI-CypERC) increased by a 0.8 point compared to January 2025.

The increase was driven by stronger business confidence in all sectors except retail trade. 

The increase in the Services Confidence Indicator stemmed from firms’ improved assessments of their turnover performance.

The Retail Trade Confidence Indicator remained stable, as the deterioration in sales expectations was offset by the improvement in views on recent sales.

The Construction Confidence Indicator picked up markedly, because of improved assessments of the current levels of order books and upward revisions in employment expectations.

The Industry Confidence Indicator rose slightly, as firms expressed more favourable views on the current level of order books.

The Consumer Confidence Indicator declined in February for the second consecutive month. Although consumers’ assessments of their recent financial situation improved marginally, consumers’ expectations about their future financial situation and the economic conditions in Cyprus worsened. However, consumers’ intentions to make major purchases strengthened markedly in February.

The Economic Uncertainty Indicator for Cyprus decreased again in February, due to further declines in uncertainty levels among firms in the services and construction sectors.

(Source: CNA)

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