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Interactive workshop for families at Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation

Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and bαhçές histories* of Cyprus, inspired by the Cyprus Insula exhibition, invites you to participate to an interactive family journey where we’ll explore historic photos and stories about the people who passed through the Nicosia airport’s halls.

Did you know that Nicosia has an airport that is no longer in use – once a bustling gateway to the world, now frozen in time? Decades ago, visiting the airport was so thrilling that people would come just to see it! Once a proud symbol of progress, Nicosia International Airport now rests in the buffer zone, holding countless untold stories.

Through hands-on activities, families will step into the shoes of travellers, airport workers, and visitors from the past – bringing history to life through imagination and role-play. Together, we’ll reflect on how travel, progress, and connections with the world have evolved over time, discovering what unites us with the past and the future

The workshop will be conducted in Greek with the option of simultaneous translation into English.

Appropriate for ages 8+

Facilitators: Maria K. Georgiou & Evie Grouta

Free participation/booking required at 22128175

Venue: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation main entrance of Cyprus Insula exhibition at Lykourgou str

The walk will be in Greek with simultaneous translation into English if needed.

You can find more information on the website of the Cultural Foundation: , on the official pages of the Foundation on Facebook & Instagram (@boccf)

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