’s Digital Assistant now integrated into Digital Citizen app

As of today, 24 March 2025, the AI-powered Digital Assistant is also accessible via the Digital Citizen mobile application.

The Digital Assistant responds to citizens' questions 24/7, in both Greek and English, and can also understand written messages typed in Greeklish (Greek using Latin characters). Citizens can submit their queries either by typing or speaking them aloud, thanks to the built-in voice assistant feature.

The range of topics covered by the Digital Assistant is constantly expanding. At this stage, it supports citizens on matters related to:

a) Social Insurance Services, such as Parental Leave, Unemployment Benefit, Maternity/Paternity or Sickness Benefit, Statutory Pension, Disability Pension, Social Insurance, Termination of Employment, and more.

b) Welfare Benefits, including Child Benefit, Single Parent Benefit, Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI), Allowance for Mothers with Many Children, Child Tuition Subsidy Scheme, Subsidy Scheme for Elderly Home Care and Accommodation, and others.

c) Electronic Identity (eID)

d) The "Digital Citizen" app

e) Vehicle Recalls

To date, the Digital Assistant has received over 55,000 queries through the portal, with an average of 500 questions per day.

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