Eurobarometer: Cypriots choose education and research as EU priority, EU respondents pick defence, security
07:44 - 26 March 2025

Cypriots prioritise education and research as top policy priority for the EU (46%), while most respondents in the EU on average chose defence and security (36%) and competitiveness (32%), according to the findings of the European Parliament’s Winter 2025 Eurobarometer survey.
“Europe must step up today, or it risks being stepped over tomorrow”, European Parliament President, Roberta Metsola, said in a written statement regarding the survey, pointing to the results that show that Europeans want the EU to have a stronger role when it comes to their security.
“The European Parliament will ensure that every proposal put forward is bold and ambitious enough to match the serious level of threat Europe faces” she stressed.
Findings include that 83% of Cypriots (66% in the EU) want the EU to play a greater role in protecting them against global crises and security risks.
This view is particularly strong amongst younger respondents to the survey. At the national level, results for a stronger role of the EU range from 87% in Sweden to 47% in Romania and 44% in Poland.
Also, 95% of Cypriots (89% in the EU) say that EU Member States should act more united to face current global challenges.
The European Parliament’s Winter 2025 Eurobarometer survey was carried out by Verian between January 9th and February 4th in all 27 EU Member States, with a total of 26,354 face to face interviews. In Cyprus, the survey was conducted between January 9th and 29th with 502 respondents.
Regarding the political priorities of the EU, most Europeans on average chose defence and security (36%) as well as competitiveness, economy and industry (32%). While the results for defence and security have remained stable compared to February/March 2024, those for competitiveness, economy and industry have increased by five points. These two areas are followed by energy independence (27%), food security and agriculture (25%) and education and research (23%).
In Cyprus, most respondents chose education and research (46%), a little above defence and security (45%), and followed by food security and agriculture (26%), EU values including democracy and human rights (23%) and demography and migration (19%).
Economic and security issues are also at the forefront when it comes to the topics citizens want the European Parliament to address as a priority. Four in ten Europeans mention inflation, rising prices and the cost of living (43%), followed by the EU’s defence and security (31%), the fight against poverty and social exclusion (31%) and support to the economy and the creation of new jobs (29%).
Inflation, rising prices and the cost of living is a main priority across all age groups and with peak results recorded in Portugal (57%), France (56%), Slovakia (56%), Croatia (54%) and Estonia (54%).
In Cyprus, the fight against poverty and the cost of living lead with 43% and 42%, followed by support to public health (37%) and migration and asylum (35%).
(Source: CNA)