CCLEI down 0.9% in February, indicates slowdown of Cypriot economy but no recession
The Cyprus Composite Leading Economic Index recorded a year-over-year decrease of 0.9% in February 2023
14:52 - 22 March 2023
Herodotou asked Chief Operating Officers of Cypriot-based banks to provide timely loan restructurings and reassess their data concerning deposit interest …
07:50 - 22 March 2023
Minister for Agriculture Petros Xenophontos has stressed the need for medium and long-term measures to support farmers so they can …
12:18 - 21 March 2023
Priority will be given to businesses without prior significant participation in research, technological development and innovation projects
09:18 - 21 March 2023
Compared to January 2023, the index recorded an increase of 0.06%
08:23 - 21 March 2023